Menu functions76• View/Play: open the selected file.• Retrieve: retrieve the body of the e-mailfrom the e-mail server.• Reply to: send a reply to the sender or allrecipients.• Forward: forward the e-mail to otherpeople.• Mark as read:• Delete selected: delete the e-mail.• Delete all: delete all e-mails.• Move to my folder: move the e-mail to theMy folder box.• List by: change the sort order of the e-mail list.• Lock/Unlock: lock the e-mail to prevent itfrom being deleted, or unlock the e-mail.• Details: access the e-mail properties.While viewing the e-mail or header, press<Options> to access the following options:• Reply to: send a reply to the sender or allrecipients.• Forward: forward the e-mail to otherpeople.• Delete: delete the e-mail from the phone’smemory or from both the phone’s memoryand the e-mail server.• Add to block list: add the sender’s e-mailaddress or subject to the Block list to rejecte-mails from that address or containing thatsubject.• Cut address: extract URLs, e-mailaddresses, and phone numbers.• Print via Bluetooth: print the e-mail byconnecting the phone to a printer viaBluetooth. Some printers may not becompatible with the phone.Options may vary depending on the status of thee-mail.