Menu functions96• Create: add a new item.• Send via: send the item via SMS, MMS,e-mail, or Bluetooth.• View by: change the view mode of thecalendar.• Done/Not done: change the status of thetask item.• Delete: delete the item.• Print via Bluetooth: print the item byconnecting the phone to a printer viaBluetooth. Some printers may not becompatible with the phone.Using calendar optionsOn the calendar, press <Options> to accessthe following options:• View by: change the view mode of thecalendar.• Create: add a new item.p. 93• Go to: select today’s date or enter a specificdate.• Event list: sort items by type of item.• Delete: delete items stored on the calendarby using various deleting options.• Settings: change the default settings forthe calendar.Starting day: select which day of the weekthe calendar starts with.Default view by: select the defaultcalendar view mode.• Missed alarm events: access items whosealarms you have missed.• Memory status: access memoryinformation for the items stored on thecalendar.