Menu functions80Priority: set the priority level of yourmessages.Expiry date: set the length of time yourmessages are stored in the MMS server.Delivery after: set a time delay beforemessages are sent.• Receiving options: set up the options forreceiving MMS messages:Anonymous reject: reject messages fromunknown senders.Advert allowed: accept advertisements.Report allowed: set the network to informthe sender when a message has beendelivered to you.Home network: determine if your phoneretrieves new messages automatically whenyou are in your home service area.Network when abroad: determine if yourphone retrieves new messages automaticallywhen you are roaming on another network.Reception within home network or abroadhas the following options:- Automatic: the phone automaticallyretrieves messages from the server.- Reject: the phone rejects all messages.- Manual: the phone displays notifications.Use the Retrieve option to manuallydownload new messages.• Multimedia message profile: set up anMMS profile and select a profile to be used.Current profile: select a profile.Profile settings: configure MMS profilesusing different MMS servers:- Profile name: assign a name to the MMSprofile.- Server URL: enter the address of yourMMS server.- Proxy: connect to the GPRS network usingthe proxy server.