Messages100• Add destination: allows you to enterdestination addresses. See steps 6 to 11 onpage 101.• Preview: shows your message as it willdisplay on the recipient’s phone.Note: You can add text, an image, and a soundonce for each page.3. Repeat step 2 until you have finished creatingyour message.4. If you want to change the added items, pressthe Up or Down key to highlight one and pressthe key or Options soft key to display theOptions list.Note: Available options are different, dependingon whether the item you select on themessage screen is text, an image, a sound,or the Page field.The following options are available:• Edit text/photo/picture/sound: allows youto change the text or replace the image orsound with another one.• Add page: allows you to add up to 5 pages.After adding pages, you can move to eachpage using the Left or Right key on themessage screen. After you add a page, thedisplay shows you the current page numberand memory space used for the page.• Delete: deletes the item from your message.• Duration: allows you to set when and howlong text, an image or a sound displays on themessage presentation screen. When themessage is opened, the display scrolls to thenext item after a specified time in Setduration.• Send: allows you to send the message.