Funbox116Selecting and using browser menu optionsVarious menu options are available when you areusing the WAP browser to navigate the WirelessWeb.To access a menu option:1. Press the Menu soft key and select the Menuoption.2. Highlight a menu by pressing the Up or Downkey.3. Select an option by pressing the key orSelect soft key.4. If necessary, select a secondary option using theUp or Down key, and press the key or Selectsoft key to confirm.Note: The menus may vary, depending on yourversion of the WAP browser.The following options are available:Bookmarks: shows the bookmarks list. You canbookmark the current web page or accesspreviously bookmarked pages.Reload: reloads the current page.Home: takes you back at any time to thehomepage of the Wireless Web service provider.Goto URL: allows you to manually enter the URLaddress of a Web page. After entering an address,press the OK soft key to go there directly.Show URL: displays the URL address of the Webpage to which you are currently connected. It alsoenables you to set the current site as the startuphomepage.