Section 1: Getting Started 11Dialing Your Voice Mail BoxSection 1Turning off Your PhonePress and hold the key until the power-off imagedisplays.Dialing Your Voice Mail BoxTo access your voice mail from your keypad, use thefollowing steps:1. From an Idle screen, press and hold the key.2. Follow the voice mail prompts to access messages.Accessing Your Voice Mail1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key to access Menumode.2. Highlight Recent Calls and press the Select soft key orthe key.3. Highlight Voice Mail and press the Select soft key orthe key.4. Highlight Connect to Voice Mail and press the OK softkey or the key.Press the OK soft key or the key when Voice Server 1is displayed.Your phone dials the specified number of the voice mailcenter.5. When connected, follow the voice prompts from thevoice mail center.Changing the Voice Mail NumberYour SIM card gives you default service number of thevoice mail center. However, you may need to change the