Section 5: Entering Text 45VoiceModeTMSection 5VoiceMode TMVoiceMode™ from VoiceSignal Technologies is thefastest, and most convenient way to compose textmessages on a mobile phone. VoiceMode lets you useyour voice to dictate words, names, punctuation, andeven abbreviations (like LOL and TTYL), instead ofkeying them in by hand.VoiceMode is seamlessly integrated into your phone'stext messaging application, so you can switch fromkeypad text entry to voice dictation with a push of abutton.To use VoiceMode when composing a text message, yousimply hold down the voice button of your phone. Alistening icon flashes to show that VoiceMode islistening for your voice. Start dictating, pausing brieflybetween each word. While you are dictating, you will seethe words recognized appear in your message. Theseinitial words that appear on the screen are VoiceMode'sfirst guess at what you dictated. When you release therecord button, VoiceMode automatically makes