Section 11:WAP 165Using FavoritesSection 11Show Images: shows the image on the current page. Pressthe Next soft key to view the next images.Certificates: shows the security information when youaccess the Wireless Web with the secured WAP settingactivated.Using FavoritesWhile navigating the WAP browser, you can bookmarkthe site to quickly and easily access it at a future time. TheURL addresses of the bookmarked sites are stored in theFavorites folder, wherein you can use the 10-preset URLaddresses and store your favorite URL addresses.Accessing a WAP Site Using Favorites1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key to access Menumode.2. Select My MEdia. Highlight MEdia Net and press theSelect soft key or the key.3. Select Favorites.4. Select a bookmark item on the Favorite list.5. Press the Options soft key and select Goto URL. You areaccessed to the corresponding WAP site.Storing a URL Address1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key to access Menumode.2. Select My MEdia. Highlight MEdia net and press theSelect soft key or the key.3. Select Favorites.