93Health and safety informationSince there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reasonto believe that hands-free kits reduce risks. Hands-free kits can be used with wireless phones forconvenience and comfort. These systems reduce theabsorption of RF energy in the head because thephone, which is the source of the RF emissions, willnot be placed against the head. On the other hand,if the phone is mounted against the waist or otherpart of the body during use, then that part of thebody will absorb more RF energy. Wireless phonesmarketed in the U.S. are required to meet safetyrequirements regardless of whether they are usedagainst the head or against the body. Eitherconfiguration should result in compliance with thesafety limit.Do wireless phone accessories that claim toshield the head from RF radiation work?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reasonto believe that accessories that claim to shield thehead from those emissions reduce risks. Someproducts that claim to shield the user from RFabsorption use special phone cases, while othersinvolve nothing more than a metallic accessoryattached to the phone. Studies have shown thatthese products generally do not work as advertised.Unlike hand-free kits, these so-calledshields may interfere with proper operation ofthe phone. The phone may be forced to boost itspower to compensate, leading to an increase in RFabsorption. In February 2002, the Federal tradeCommission (FTC) charged two companies that solddevices that claimed to protect wireless phone usersfrom radiation with making false andunsubstantiated claims. According to FTC, thesedefendants lacked a reasonable basis to substantiatetheir claim.What about wireless phone interferencewith medical equipment?Radio frequency energy (RF) from wireless phonescan interact with some electronic devices. For thisreason, FDA helped develop a detailed test methodto measure electromagnetic interference (EMI) ofimplanted cardiac pacemakers and defibrillatorsfrom wireless telephones. This test method is nowpart of a standard sponsored by the Association forthe Advancement of Medical instrumentation(AAMI). The final draft, a joint effort by FDA,medical device manufacturers, and many othergroups, was completed in late 2000. This standardwill allow manufacturers to ensure that cardiacpacemakers and defibrillators are safe from wirelessphone EMI. FDA has tested wireless phones and