5-92. To upgrade the system software, type ‘y’, and press [Enter].Upgrade This System? (y: Yes, n: No) -> y3. Select an upgrade method and press [Enter].Upgrade Method (1: TFTP, 2: FTP) ->4. When TFTP is selected, input the IP address of the TFTP server. When FTP isselected.TFTP Server Address (dot form):>5. Input the number of files in the DSP Chip program for VoIP. When none of theDSP Chip programs for VoIP are to be upgraded, type ‘0’ and press [Enter].DSP Package File Count: 2 ->6. Input the number of system operation program files. When none of the systemoperation programs are to be upgraded, type ‘0’ and press [Enter].Main Package File Count: 25 ->7. A message asking you whether to restart the system will be displayed asfollows. To restart immediately, type ‘y’ or type ‘n’ otherwise and press[Enter].# System Configuration has changed. Restart? (y: Now, n: Later) ->The number of DSP files or system operation files can bechanged according to the version of system program.