Samsung Electronics 3-9Adjustment and Adjustment4. Functions of each button on the Remote ControlDescriptionButtonSTART/STOP (Confirm)STOP (Data Down)PLAY (Data Up)FF (Mode Up)REW (Mode Down)SELF TIMERStores changed value in the adjustment and auto adjustment mode.Changes data in the adjustment state.Changes mode.Pre-confirmNote: In service adjustment mode, button names are different from those in customer function control mode.e.g.) "START/STOP" is the same as "Confirm".5. How to set up the camera adjustment mode1) Connect the power source(battery/DC cable).2) Open Housing from videocamera.3) Set the "POWER(CAMERA/PLAY-ER)" switch to "CAMERA" position.4) The OSD appears.STEP 1Press and hold the "EDIT(+)" buttonand "ENTER" button on the videocamera at the same time for morethan 5 seconds.STEP 2Monitor OSD shows "16D XX XX".Then camera adjustment mode hasbeen activated successfully.STEP 3Note : "XX" indicates variable values.In adjustment mode, the buttons of the remote control is as the followings.