Using Supported Features via the Pop-Up MenuMove the focus to a desired program, and then press and hold the touch pad or press and hold the Ebutton. The following options are available:" Available options may differ depending on the selected program.● Viewing Detailed InformationLets you view detailed information about the program you selected.● ReservingLets you set up a Scheduled Viewing for the program you selected.Viewing Detailed Program Information11 Move the focus to a desired program, and then press and hold the touch pad or press and holdthe E button. A context-sensitive menu appears.21 On the context-sensitive menu, select View details. Detailed information about the selectedprogram screen appears.Select a program from the list to see more information about the program and to access the followingoptions:● Moving to a ChannelJumps to the selected program's channel.● ReservingLets you set up a Schedule or Schedule Recording for the program." Recording is not supported in the U.S.A and Canada.● Viewing Related ContentView a list of content related to the program. If you select an item from the list, the detailedinformation screen of the selected item appears.● RateLets you rate the program.● SharingYou can share information about the selected program via an SNS.