151 2 3Open the batterycompartment lid.Install new batteries intothe compartment.Replace thecompartment lid.Press the lid downward andslide it. Two AAA size batteriesFor correct polarity (+ and–), be sure battery terminalsare in contact with pins in thecompartment.To ensure safe operation, please observe the following precautions : Ɣ 8VHWZR $$$RU/5W\SHDONDOLQHEDWWHULHV Ɣ $OZD\VUHSODFHEDWWHULHVLQVHWV Ɣ 'RQRWXVHDQHZEDWWHU\ZLWKDXVHGEDWWHU\ Ɣ $YRLGFRQWDFWZLWKZDWHURUOLTXLG Ɣ 'RQRWH[SRVHWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROWRPRLVWXUHRUKHDW Ɣ 'RQRWGURSWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO Ɣ ,IWKHEDWWHU\KDVOHDNHGRQWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROFDUHIXOO\ZLSHWKHcase clean and install new batteries. Ɣ 5LVNRIDQH[SORVLRQLIEDWWHU\LVUHSODFHGE\DQLQFRUUHFWW\SH Ɣ 'LVSRVHRIXVHGEDWWHULHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVPoint the remote control toward the projector (to Infrared RemoteReceivers) when pressing the buttons. Maximum operating rangefor the remote control is about 16.4’ (5 m) and 60 degrees in front,back and top of the projector.Infrared Remote Receivers are provided in front, back and top of ofthe projector. You can conveniently use all of the receivers (pp. 10,11, 57).16.4’(5 m)The remote control can be used as a wired remote control. Wiredremote control helps you use the remote control outside of theoperating range (16.4’/ 5 m). Connect the remote control and theprojector with the remote control cable (sold separately). Connectedwith the remote control cable, the remote control does not emitwireless signal.Part Names and Functions16.4’(5 m)3Note:When hanging the projector from the ceiling, select the InfraredRemote Receiver which is located farther away from the fluorescentlight (p.57).Remote Control Battery InstallationWired Remote Control TransmitterRemote Control Receivers and Operating Range