4. ADDITIONAL FUNCTION KEY AND REGISTERING PROCEDURE EO1-111524. ADDITIONAL FUNCTION KEY AND REGISTERING PROCEDURE4- 14. ADDITIONAL FUNCTION KEY AND REGISTERINGPROCEDUREThe following is the key that can be installed on the Master Terminal of an in-line system, in addition to thestandalone specifications, and the registering procedure using the key.RTR (Register-to-Register) DECLARATION Key ([RTR]) By depressing the [RTR] key on the Master Terminal, various in-line jobs (DLLs, Consolidated Read/ResetReport takings, etc.) can be performed.PROCEDURE ON A MASTER TERMINAL FOR RTR DECLARATIONMode Lock: SET, REG, X, Z, MGR or - /Anytime outside a saleDepress [RTR]NOTES: 1. While a PC job is under way ( a command of ULL, DLL, or Read/Reset from the PC), this RTRDeclaration is not possible. Similarly, while this RTR Declaration is on, no PC jobs are possible.2. While the RTR Declaration is on, no transaction entries in “REG”, “MGR”, or “ - “ mode arepossible.3. While the RTR Declaration is on, no Backup Data Check is performed.4. While the RTR Declaration is on, the following are jobs to be allowed:• Programming Operations• DLL Operations (DLL to Satellite Terminals)• Consolidated Read/Reset Report takings• Manual Copying of Backup Data5. The [RTR] key can be programmed to require Manager Intervention.6. If the option “Auto Data Copying feature” is selected for Copying of Backup Data, the RTRDeclaration is not possible while a backup data update process is under way.7. If the option “Compulsion of Data Sending to PC” is selected, the RTR Declaration is not possibleuntil sending the reset data (the consolidation data) to PC is completed. By depressing the [RTR] key on the Master Terminal when the RTR Declaration is on, the RTR DeclarationON status is canceled.PROCEDURE ON A MASTER TERMINAL FOR RTR DECLARATION CANCELMode Lock: SET, REG, X, Z, MGR or - / RTR Declaration is ONDepress [RTR]NOTE: If the Backup Error Flag is ON (the standard error message is “PLEASE BACK UP”), it means thatmanual copying of Backup Data is required, and therefore the RTR Declaration Cancel is notaccepted until copying is completed.RTR