10 For your safetyHealth Canada warning statementThe installer of this radio equipment must ensure thatthe antenna is located or pointed such that it does notemit an RF field in excess of Health Canada limits forthe general population; consult Safety Code 6,obtainable from the Health Canada’s websitehttp://www.hc-sc.gc.ca.Compliance with RF energy exposurestandardsThis two-way radio complies with these RF energyexposure standards and guidelines:■ United States Federal Communications Commis-sion, Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR §§1.1307, 1.1310, and 2.1091.■ American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1992.■ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition.■ European Directive 2004/40/EC on minimumhealth and safety requirements regarding theexposure of workers to the risks arising from phys-ical agents (electromagnetic fields).This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRPexposure limits for occupational/controlled RFexposure environments at operating duty factors of upto 50% talk to 50% listen.Conformité aux normes d’exposition àl’énergie RFCette radio émetteur-récepteur se conforme auxnormes et aux règlements d’exposition à l’énergieRF :■ La Commission fédérale de la communication desEtats-Unis, Code de règlements fédéraux (CFR)Titre 47 Sections 1.1307, 1.1310 et 2.1091 (radiosmobiles) ou 2.1093 (radios portatives).