124distress beacons, frequencyband reserved for 11documentation, related 18dual radiobackground 56display states 57dual receive 60dual transmit 59foreground 56operation 56radio controls 58switching radios 59dynamic regrouping 74Eemergency callending 95types of 91using concealedmicrophone 95what happens during 93emergency modefalse powerdown 93keep alive 93phases of 93radio is silent during 93stealth and non-stealthmodes 93turning off 95understanding 92encryptionchange keyset 104changing keys 103demo key 106over-the-air-rekeying 106proper key detect 103receiving an encrypted call102turning on and off 102encryption keychanging 104preset 104removing 105error messages 115exposure, to RF 8external speaker 28Ffailsoft mode 64, 73false powerdownending 95explained 93firmware version 116, 117frequency band, reserved fordistress beacons 11function key settings 34GGPS informationabout 85deleting 89GPS key 87logging 88Send on PTT 87sending 87viewing 86GPS location 95green LED 25grommetfunctions of 118removing 118groupscanning groups 46talkgroups 40voting groups 44Hhand-held control head 23hardware version, identifying116, 117