126OTAR 106PP25 trunking. See trunkingoperation. 62paging a radio 79phone calls (trunking) 71power up radio 27priority call, making 92priority channels, scanning 46Qquick access menus 32, 33quiet operation 113Rradiolocking 29maintenance 118turning on and off 27unlocking 30version 116, 117radio check 80radio controls 21radio controls, turning offaudible tones for 113radio displayerror messages 115radio frequency (RF) energycausing electronic devices tomalfunction 12compliance with exposurestandards 9controlling exposure to 8Radio Info menuVersion info 116Radio Settings menu 116radio unit ID 42, 92displaying when receive calls41radio, not turning on 115radio-based failsoft 73radio-monitor request 81recent calls 36red LED 25related documentation 18repeater talkaround 43radio display symbol for 24turning on and off 43revive 82RF, exposure to 8RFSS controller. See zonecontroller 64Ssafetyinformation 8warnings used in user’sguide 18scan groupschanging groupmembership 49removing nuisance channelfrom 49selecting 46scanninga group of channels 46priority channels 46talkgroups (trunking) 67scrolling indicator 24security lock 29short key press 21signals, hearing faint and noisy54silent operation 113site controller 64site trunking mode 64speakerexternal 28speaker volume, adjusting 28squelch mute 54