Charging and caring for batteries 133Temperature indicationsWhen the battery temperature is outside the normalcharging range, the orange LED on the charger is lit.Charging will start or resume once the temperature iswithin normal limits, and no action is required by you.Leaving the battery on chargeYou can leave a battery/radio in the charger oncecharging is complete. Leaving a battery in the chargerwill not overcharge or damage it.You can remove a battery/radio from the charger atany time without harming the battery, the radio, or thecharger. When you return the battery/radio to thecharger, charging is automatically resumed.Charger for IS batteries onlyNotice Placing a fully charged battery into thecharger for IS batteries may result in both the orangeand red LED lighting up. In this case, remove thebattery and use as normal. Leaving the battery in thecharger may result in the battery being discharged.Vehicle charger onlyIt is safe to switch off the ignition while there is still abattery in the charger. However, if the vehicle will notbe used again for some time, check whether chargingwill continue while the ignition is off, and considerwhat effect this might have on the vehicle battery.To check, place the battery in the charger, and switchoff the vehicle ignition:■ If no charger LED stays lit, the charger will resumecharging only when the ignition is switched onagain. Minimal charger standby power will bedrawn from the vehicle battery until then.■ If a charger LED stays lit, the charger will continueto charge the radio battery even while the ignitionis off, and will continue to draw power from thevehicle battery. Once the battery is charged, the