Operating in conventional mode 81Suspending a channel from a scanning groupIf a member channel of a scan group is busy for a longtime and you do not wish to hear the conversation, youmay be able to use the function key programmed fornuisance delete to temporarily delete it from the scangroup.When the scan group is next selected, or after theradio has been turned off and then on, the deletedchannel is again part of the scan group.Alternatively, the function key programmed forscanning may be programmed so that a short keypress turns on scanning, and a long key pressactivates nuisance delete.■ Press and hold the function key programmed forscanning to remove the current channel from thescanning group.If the operation has been successful, the messageChannel deleted from group appears on the display.Adding or deleting member channels of agroupYour radio may be programmed so you can add ordelete channels in a voting or scanning group.Changes made are permanent, and will remain afterrestarting the radio.1 Select the group. See "Selecting a group" onpage 62.2 Press Edit.If there is no edit option for the left selection key,the group cannot be changed.Alternatively, you may be able to edit groups bypressing Menu and selecting Advanced >Program groups, then select the group you wishto edit.3 In the Edit group menu, choose Add channel orDelete channel.4 Press Select.