22Section 7 : Recording/editing of subcode data7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 and when you determine thedesired point, press the EXECUTE key. From thatpoint, the Skip ID is recorded.7-3-2 Erasing the Skip ID1 Press the SELECT 1/2 key to select the deck.2 Press the ID MODE key so that the "SKIP ERASE"lights in the display.3 During stop or playback, press the EXECUTE key.The tape is rewound to the previous Skip ID and theSkip ID is erased while it is played back.During erasing, the "SKIP ERASE" blinks and whenthe Skip ID has been erased, the normal playback isrestored.The End ID marks the tape end position.The point where the End ID is recorded is detected as thetape end position and the tape cannot be advanced fromthat point.When the End ID is detected in the Fast Forward mode,the tape is rewound to the beginning of the End ID andstops for further recording.When the End ID is detected during playback, the tape isrewound to the beginning of the tape.·When the End ID is detected, the "EE" lights in the pro-gram number display.7-4-1. Recording the End ID1 Press the SELECT 1/2 key to select the deck.2 In the Record-Pause or Record mode, press the IDMODE key so that the "END WRT" lights.3 In the Record or Record-Pause mode, press the EXE-CUTE key at the point where you want to record theEnd ID.The "END WRT" blinks and the End ID is recorded for9 seconds from that point. After recording, the tape isrewound to the beginning of the End ID and stops.·When the COMMON MODE switch is set to"1&2", the End ID is recorded on tapes in both Deck1 and Deck 2 regardless of the setting of theSELECT 1/2 key.7-4-2. Erasing the End IDWhen the tape is fast-forwarded by pressing the F FWDkey, the tape stops at the beginning of the End ID.Recording from that point erases the End ID.7-4. End IDThe program number shows the number of the programand is recorded with the Start ID at the beginning of eachprogram.7-5-1. Recording the program numberProgram numbers are automatically recorded at the sametime as Start IDs.When recording is performed from the beginning of thetape and Start IDs are automatically recorded, programnumbers are recorded in order from 01.·When recording on a tape on which program numbershave already been recorded, first play back the tape sothat the program number is shown in the display thenrecord the Start ID.If the program number is not shown in the display andthe Start ID is recorded, the program number is notrecorded.7-5-2. Erasing the program numberWhen the Start ID is erased, the program number is auto-matically erased.7-5-3. RenumberRenumber means renumbering from the first Start ID asProgram 01. Do this when the program numbers have notbeen recorded correctly because a Start ID has been erasedor a new program has been inserted.1 Press the SELECT 1/2 key to select the deck.2 Press the ID MODE key so that the "RENUM" lightsin the display.3 Press the EXECUTE key during stop or playback.The tape automatically rewinds to the beginning.When the first Start ID is detected, the program num-ber is recorded.After recording, the tape is advanced to the next StartID and the program number is recorded in the sameway.Thus, the program numbers are recorded in order from01. When the tape end or the End ID is detected, thetape is rewound to the beginning and stops.7-5. Program numbers