2 - Front and rear panel features13 TASCAM DA-78HR2.1 General controls andindicators1 Power switchTurns the power to the DA-78HR on and off. Whenthe DA-78HR is turned off, settings will be retainedin memory.2 Tape loading slot and EJECT keyOnly use Hi8 ME or MP tapes as specified in 1.5,“Recommended tapes”. The DA-78HR will automat-ically eject all other tapes.NOTE—I MP OR TAN TDo not use a tape which has been used for recordingvideo. Always use either new tapes or tapes whichhave been used in a DTRS recorder.The EJECT key ejects any loaded cassette. A cassettecan only be ejected when the transport is stopped.3 FORMAT/Fs keyThe FORMAT/Fs key controls the formatting of tapesand allows selection of the sampling frequency usedfor recording (see 5.1, “Formatting a tape” for fulldetails). The current sampling frequency is shown onthe status indicators 6.4 HR MODE keyThis key allows the selection of the recording resolu-tion (16-bit or high-resolution 24-bit). See 5.1, “For-matting a tape” for details.The appropriate indicator 6 will light if the HRmode is selected.5 CLOCK keyThis is used to select the word sync source for theDA-78HR (either internal, WORD or DIGITAL IN, asshown on the indicator 6).6 Status indicatorsThe status indicators show the current status of vari-ous DA-78HR functions. The legends of these indi-cators are abbreviated for reasons of space. Here is alist of their full meanings, together with the pages onwhich the functions are more fully described:7 Tape counterThe tape counter gives the current tape time in hours,minutes, seconds and frames.It is also used to display menus, sub-menus and thevalues of the parameters of the unit, as well as pro-viding information on the current status of the unit.8 PB CONDITION indicatorThere is one more indicator: PB CONDITION, whichlights if there are many errors when reading orrecording the tape. It also flashes when the blockerror rate is being checked (11.1.2, “Checking errorrates”).If this lights frequently, the block error rate can bechecked and the heads cleaned (11.1, “Head andtransport cleaning”).2.2 Tape transport keys andcontrols9 REW keyRewinds the tape at high speed.If this key is pressed during recording, recording willstop and the tape will rewind.A F FWD keyWinds the tape forward at high speed.If this key is pressed during recording, recording willstop and the tape will wind forward.NOTEWhen either REWor F FWDis pressed for the firsttime after powering up, or loading a tape, the unit firstconfigures itself for the reel hub diameter of the tapein use, during which the tape advances at lowspeeds. This takes several seconds. Thereafter, theLegend Meaning SectionHR High-resolution (24-bit) mode 5.1Fs (44.1k) Either of these will light to showthe current sampling frequency 5.1Fs (48k)ABS Tape subcode (ABS) is beingused as the timing reference 9.1OFFSET Machine or timecode offset is inoperation8.3.1 and9.6.2CLOCK (WORD)When both of these are lit, theDA-78HR is using internal wordsync, and when neither is lit,word sync is being receivedthrough the REMOTE IN/SYNC IN connector. If one islit, the word sync is beingreceived through the appropri-ate connector (digital audio(COAXIAL) or word sync).3.2CLOCK(DIGITAL IN)TAPE TC Lights when the DA-78HR isreading timecode from the tape 9Legend Meaning Section