5 - Basic operations32 TASCAM DA-78HRIf you are unsure about the difference between moni-toring modes as implemented on the DA-78HR, nowis a good time to read 6, “Monitoring”.Obviously you will want to record while you listen tothe off-tape signals from previously-recorded tracksand the input source on tracks where recording is tak-ing place.5.6 Punch-in and punch-outThere are a number of ways in which the DA-78HRcan be used to perform reliable punch-in and punch-outs automatically. Punch points can be set andedited to frame accuracy, either from a cue list or“on-the-fly” in real time.The DA-78HR provides a rehearsal mode which sim-ulates the punching process, allowing the artists toperfect the timing of the new material.The mechanics of punching on a digital recorderappear to the operator to be the same as on an analogrecorder.Crossfading, however, is an important and usefulfunction on digital recorders, to ensure continuitybetween original and punched material. In the case ofthe DA-78HR, this crossfade time is adjustable from10 milliseconds to 200 milliseconds (7.5, “Crossfadetimes”).The AUTO MON mode is essential here: in bothrehearsal and punch modes, the material prior to thepunch point is monitored off tape. The monitoring ofarmed tracks changes to source while rehearsals andpunching are carried out and then changes to off-tapeagain after the punch-out point See 6, “Monitor-ing”for details of monitoring modes, including theAUTO MON mode.NOTEThough it is possible to perform punch recording inALL INPUT mode, the monitoring in this mode doesnot make it easy to perform accurate punch opera-tions. We suggest that you turn this mode off whenperforming punch-ins.5.6.1 Automatic punch point settingWhenever recording takes place, the time whenrecording begins is automatically stored as a punch-in time, and the time when recording stops is storedas a punch-out time.This is not usually the way in which you will want toset the punch points, however. There are several alter-native ways in which you can set these points, asdescribed below:5.6.2 Setting punch points “on the fly”This method demands sharp reflexes (but you canedit the punch points later as we show below).NOTEIf an optional footswitch has been attached to therear panel REMOTE PUNCH IN/OUTjack X, thiscan be used in the following steps instead of theRECORDand PLAYkeys (i.e. press the switch onceto set the punch-in point, and again to set the punch-out point).1 Press the AUTO MON key (the indicator willlight).This is not strictly speaking necessary for set-ting the punch points, but the AUTO MON isnecessary for punch operations, so we suggestyou turn it on here.2 Use the REC FUNCTION key(s) to arm thetrack(s) on which you will be recording.3 Press the RHSL (rehearsal) key.The indicator will flash, showing that the DA-78HR is in “rehearsal learn” mode.4 Rewind the tape to before where the punch isto occur.5 Start playing the tape (press PLAY).You will monitor the off-tape signals.6 At the point where the punch is to occur, pressRECORD.The RECORD key will flash, and the RECFUNCTION indicator of any armed tracks willlight steadily. Monitoring will change to inputsource recording for these tracks.Pre-rollpo in tPu nch-inpointPost-ro llpointPunch-outpoin tPre-roll time Post-roll timeRehearsal learnTAPE SOURCE TAPERehearsalTAPE SOURCE TAPEAUTO IN/OUTTAPE SOURCE TAPEReplay checkTAPE TAPE TAPE