102 TASCAM HS-400016 – MessagesMessage Details and responses RemarksThere is no Take. There is no take, so playback is not possible. Select asession with takes.This name already exists. Another project, session or take already has thatname.This name already exists.Overwrite this file?"nnnnnnnn"A project, session, or take with the same name alreadyexists. Do you want to overwrite it?nnnnnnnn = name of project, session or takeTransport LockedTransport Section LockedThe transport keys have been locked to preventmisoperation.ttttttttdatefs/bit/FileMode/NumOfTracksSIZE: uLENGTH: *h**m**s**fTake information is shown. tttttttt = take namedate: year/month/day hour: minutesfs: sampling frequencybit: bit rateFileMode: MONO or POLYNumOfTracks: number of tracksu: space usedLENGTH: length of the takettttttttSTART T/C: **h**m**s**fFRAME TYPE: **FTake information is shown. tttttttt = take nameSTART T/C: file start time code timeFRAME TYPE: frame typeUndo Completed Undoing an edit has completed.Unsupported File The format of the file that you tried to play or add to aplaylist is not supported.Unsupported Fs The sampling frequency of the file that you tried toadd to a playlist is not supported.Writing System File… Recording information is being written whenrecording has stopped.