TASCAM HS-4000 192 – Name and functions of partsASSIGN FILE buttonThis shows the ASSIGNscreen where you can assign files.(See “Assign File screen” on page 60.)ENTRY LIST buttonThis shows the entry list (ENTRY) screen. (See Entry listscreen on page 60.)ADJUST ENTRY buttonThis opens the ADJUST ENTRY *** screen where youcan edit an entry. (See Editing entry titles on page 63,Edit the playback starting time on page 64, Editingthe playback starting point on page 65 and Editingthe playback end point on page 66.)SAVE buttonThis saves the current playlist. This can only be selectedwhen stopped. (See Saving a playlist on page 67.)SAVE AS buttonThis adds a name to the current playlist and saves it. Thiscan only be selected when stopped. (See Saving aplaylist on page 67.)EXPORT PPL buttonThis creates a JPPA PPL file from the current playlist. Thiscan only be selected when stopped. (See “Creating a JPPAPPL file from the loaded playlist” on page 68.)28 Level metersThese are the same as on the Home Screen in timelinemode.As on the Home Screen in timeline mode, you can touch thisarea to use the solo function.29 Time display areaThe Time display area is divided into 4 equal regions. Thetimes displayed in each region depend on the time displaymode as shown in the following table.Left Right00:00:00:00 Empty Empty Total take orentry lengthTotal take orentry lengthEmpty Empty 00:00:00:0000:00:00:00 Empty Empty Total session orplaylist lengthTotal session orplaylist lengthEmpty Empty 00:00:00:00Starting time ofsession orplaylistEmpty Empty Ending time ofsession orplaylistDuring recording and recording standby, however, the timebar and division lines are not shown.30 Flash Page number and knobThis shows the Flash Page number. Touch this area toenable selection (yellow background), and turn the DATAdial to change the page number (turn right to increase andturn left to decrease).31 Current time cursorThis cursor shows the playback position and scrollshorizontally in correspondence with the time counter.It is not shown during recording (take mode only).32 Mark nameThis is the name of the mark at the current time or thenearest preceding mark.When the name of a mark other than any automatic mark isshown, touch this area to open the MARK NAME editingscreen.33 REC/MON buttonThis is the same as on the Home Screen in timeline mode.34 NEXT TAKE NAME buttonThis is the same as on the Home Screen in timeline mode.In dual playlist mode3635 37 38The left side is Player A, which can be used to play playlist A, andthe right side is Player B, which can be used to play playlist B.Operation of both Players A and B is the same. Items 45 48 inthe center are shared by both players.35 Transport status indicatorThis icon shows the current transport status.Touch this area to open the PLAY SETUPscreen.The icons have the same meanings as on the Home Screenin timeline mode.36 ONLINE status indicationWhen the online playback mode is ON, theicon appears.When online playback mode is OFF, theicon appears with green letters.37 Time counter display (button)The time displayed is the elapsed time or the remainingtime.When online playback mode is ON, the background appearsred.Otherwise, this is the same as on the Home Screen intimeline mode.38 Time mode indicator (button)This shows the current time display mode. Touch this areato change the time display mode.The time elapsed from the beginning of theentry is shown.The time remaining until the end of the entry isshown.The time elapsed from the beginning of theplaylist is shown.The time remaining until the end of the playlistis shown.The time code time of the playing entry isshown.40394534142434449 50464748