TASCAM HS-4000 679 – Playlist modeSaving a playlistNOTEAfter editing a playlist, save it as necessary. If you do not save a playlist afterediting it, all changes will be cleared when you load another playlist, removea CF card or turn off the unit s power, for example.An * appears in the file name or title name button when editing hasoccurred but it has not been saved yet. When an * is shown, a pop-upmessage asking if you want to save the playlist will appear when you try to dosomething that would clear the edits, including when loading anotherplaylist, creating a new playlist and changing the operation mode. (When indual mode if an * appears for both A and B this message will appeartwice, once for the Player A playlist and once for the Player B playlist.)1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open theHome screen.2. Touch a file name or title name button to open apull-down menu and touch the SAVE button to startsaving the playlist. (In dual mode, this buttonbecomes SAVE A+B and saves playlists for bothPlayers A and B.)While saving, a progress status pop-up appears.When saving completes, the pop-up disappears.NOTEYou can also save a playlist by touching the MENUbutton on the ASSIGN fileor ENTRY list screen to open a pull-up menu and touching the SAVEbuttonEntry List ScreenAssign File ScreenNaming a playlist and saving itOn the Entry List or Assign File screen, after touching the MENUbutton to open the pull-up, if you press the SAVE ASbuttoninstead of the SAVEbutton, you can name the playlist beforesaving it.1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open theHome screen.2. Touch a file name or title name button to open apull-down menu and touch the SAVE AS button. (Indual mode, there are SAVE AS (A)and SAVE AS (B)buttons that save the current playlist of the selectedPlayer A or B.)The PLAYLIST NAME screen where you can input newplaylist names opens.3. Input the playlist name. Follow the procedures in“Editing the project name” on page 35.4. Touch the Enter button on the PLAYLIST NAMEscreenor press the DATA dial to save the playlist with thisname.While the file is being created, a progress status pop-upappears.When file creation completes, the pop-up disappears.TIPYou can also name and save a playlist by touching the MENUbutton on theASSIGN file or ENTRY list screen to open a pull-up menu, and touch the SAVEASbutton (in dual mode, SAVE AS (A)or SAVE AS (B)).Single ModeDual Mode