58 TASCAM HS-40009 – Playlist modeChanging a playlist name laterYou can change playlist names later.1. Press the PROJECT key on the front panel to open thePROJECTscreen.2. Touch the e button for the project that contains theplaylist for which you want to change the name toopen the session selection screen.If it is not the current project, a pop-up window appearsconfirming that you want to load it. Touch the OKbutton.3. Touch the e button for the session that contains theplaylist for which you want to change the name toopen the playlist selection screen.If it is not the current session, a pop-up window appearsconfirming that you want to load it. Touch the OKbutton.4. Select the playlist that you want to change. Thebackground of the selected playlist name appearsyellow.5. Touch the MENUbutton to open a pull-up menu.6. Touch the EDIT NAME button in the pull-up menu toopen the PLAYLIST NAMEscreen.NOTEThe EDIT NAMEbutton in the pull-up menu cannot be selected if the loadedplaylist is selected, if multiple playlists are selected or if the selected playlist isnot visible (scrolled off screen).7. Input the playlist name. Follow the procedures in“Editing the project name” on page 35.8. Touch the Enter button on the PLAYLIST NAMEscreen or press the DATA dial to confirm the playlistname and return to the playlist selection screen.Loading playlists1. Press the PROJECT key on the front panel to open thePROJECT screen.2. Touch the e button for the project that contains theplaylist you want to load to open the sessionselection screen.If it is not the current project, a pop-up window appearsconfirming that you want to load it. Touch the OKbutton.3. Touch the e button for the session that contains theplaylist you want to load to open the playlistselection screen.If it is not the current session, a pop-up window appearsconfirming that you want to load it. Touch the OKbutton.4. Select the playlist that you want to load.5. Touch the MENU button on the Playlist selectionscreen to open a pull-up menu.Single modeDual mode6. In single mode, touch the LOAD button in the pull-upmenu. When in dual mode, press the LOAD to A orLOAD to Bbutton to load it to the desired player.7. When a confirmation message pop-up appears, touchthe OK button or press the DATA dial.Single modeDual modeAfter loading completes, the Home Screen opens.NOTEOn the playlist selection screen, instead of touching the MENU buttonfollowed by the LOADbutton (or LOAD to A/Bbutton) in the pull-up menuitem, you can also press the e button for the playlist that you want to playback to load it.When in single mode, the same pop-up message as above appears. Touchthe OKbutton or press the DATA dial.When in dual mode, the pop-up window has LOAD to Aand LOAD to Bbuttons. Touch the one for the desired player.