- 21 -ft- Reverseions ofoles.al range is 0 thru 7E.The default setting of the menu is decimal 74 [Hex 49].Menu 206: Track Key PunchMenu 206 has been added to provide additional recording and punching options.The "On" position of this menu causes the track record ready buttons to behave as they have inprevious software versions: Pressing a track arm key, while in record, will take that track straightinto record (remember that in Tape Mode, there is no UNDO). Pressing the track arm key againwill take the track out of record.When Menu 206 is set to "Off", all recording (or rehearsing) is initiated by the REC (or REH)buttons only.For example, if tracks 1 and 2 are already recording, pressing the track 3 record arm button willnot put track 3 into record, but only into the "record ready" state, as indicated by a flashing red"rec" indicator at the bottom of the track indicator. To initiate actual recording on track 3, themain transport REC button must be pressed (or REC+PLAY buttons, depending on the REC keymode set in Menu 202).Similarly, once track 3 is recording, pressing the track 3 record arm button will not take itimmediately out of record. The track "rec" indicator will begin flashing very quickly to indicatethat the track is still recording, but no longer armed. In other words a punch out is pending.Pressing the main transport REC button (or REC+PLAY) will complete the punch out of track 3only. Pressing PLAY will punch all tracks out of record as normal.Menu 290 “More Edits” CommandsPreviously, there were certain edit commands that were only accessible from the Viewnetapplication. Menu 290 has been added to allow these operations from the front panel. To enablethese edit commands, access Menu 290, then press TRIM to scroll up to the edit you wish toperform. Press STORE to execute the desired edit. Keep in mind you must have tracks "editenabled" from the front panel and edit In/Out points defined for this to work correctly.The edits available in menu 290 are:- Left Cutut- Left Local C- Multi Insert- Multi Paste- Paste Le- RenderMenu 300: MIDI Device IDThe text in this menu has been modified to display both the decimal and hexadecimal versthe Device ID value. The hexadecimal version is often used by TASCAM consThe decimal ID range is 1 thru 127, while the hexadecim