- 53 -Event copy/paste for non-contiguous selectionsUsing the Hand tool (arrow pointer), changes have been made to MX and MX-View software to allow fornon-contiguous audio event selections.With non-contiguous selections, the clear command will only clear the selected events, leaving any non-selected events in place (previously, the clear command would clear everything on the track from the firstselected event to the last).Copy and Paste work just like they did previously, however a new item has been added to the Edit Menuto allow for transparent pasting. With normal Copy/Paste and non-contiguous selections, the Pastelocation will be overwritten with the copied audio events, INCLUDING any blank space.If two events are selected with an intervening event, only the 2 selected events are copied but theintervening space is also copied. Doing a normal paste results in the blank space being pasted over the topof anything existing at the paste location. When this is not desired, select the new "Paste Transparent"menu item from the Edit Menu. The result will be that only the copied audio events will be pasted at thepast location. The intervening blank space will not be pasted.Track lockingA new item has been added to the track pop-up menu, "Lock Track" / "Unlock Track". A locked trackcannot be edited and cannot be selected for recording. A locked track will also disable other track pop-upmenu items so that the locked track cannot be deleted or renamed. Audio events on the locked trackcannot be selected, dragged, copied, deleted or renamed.• Select the "Unlock Track" item to unlock a locked track.Zero crossing centerlineA new audio event 0db centerline is now available. It is selectable on/off in view menu.Keystroke forwarding from Markers and Groups windowsThe markers and user groups windows now pass most keystrokes to the edit window. This enables mostkeyboard shortcuts in the edit window (all transport commands for example).The only keys that are intercepted by the markers and groups windows (and not sent to the edit window)are:ar owM kers Wind• Up arrow• Down arrow• Enter/return keyindows)• Shift-cmd-N (Mac) or shift-ctrl-N (W• Cmd-W (Mac) or Ctrl-W (Windows)• Cmd-Q (Mac) or Ctrl-Q (Windows)Opt-Cmd-R (Mac) or Ctrl-Alt-R (Windows)•