3 – InstallationTASCAM US-122 — 11Installation under WindowsThe US-122 drivers are available on theCD as executable installers. You’ll findtwo executable installer files in theDriver folder on the disc, labeled as:US122_Win9x_x_yy.exe (for Windows98 Second Edition and Me (MillenniumEdition)) and as US122_Win2k_x_yy.exe(for Windows 2000 and Windows XP)where x and yy represent the versionnumbers.Note that we have also included the indi-vidual driver files, available from theroot level of the CD. However, we rec-ommend using the installers, as they willalso locate and uninstall any files per-taining to older versions of the US-122drivers.NOTEYou should also check the TASCAM Website to determine the latest version of thedrivers. If necessary, download and installthese latest drivers, following the instruc-tions given here.To install under Windows 98SEor Me: Note that the US-122 will rununder Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)or Me (Millennium Edition). Due to itslimited USB capabilities, First EditionWin98 is not recommended.NOTERun the Installer with the US-122 NOT con-nected to the computer.1 Double click on the executable fileUS122_Win9x_y_zz.exe (where yand zz represent the version num-ber). The installer will run.2 Click the Setup button. TheWelcome dialog box will appear.3 Click the Next button. The driverfiles will be installed to your harddrive.In some cases, the Add HardwareWizard may ask for the fileUS122WDM.SYS. Should this occur,click Browse and direct it to thepath Windows/System32/Drivers.In some cases, the Add HardwareWizard may ask for your Windows98 or Windows Me CD-ROM if it isunable to find all the needed sys-tem files. We suggest you have ithandy.4 The Setup Complete dialog willappear. Click Yes, I want to restartmy computer, followed by the Finishbutton. The computer will reboot.5 Connect the US-122 to the com-puter. The Windows Plug and Playsystem will notice a new USBdevice and start the Add NewHardware wizard, which will findthe needed files on its own. Thiswill take about 30-60 seconds.The drivers are now installed and theUS-122 is ready to operate.NOTEIf you are running Windows 98SE, you mayneed to install the appropriate MicrosoftHotfix #Q269601.