18 — TASCAM US-1225 – The US-122 Control PanelMain PageThe following description applies to boththe Windows and Mac OS versions ofthe US-122 Control Panel program. Youaccess the Control Panel at the followinglocations:• Windows: Control Panel• Mac OS (pre-X): Control Panel• Mac OS X: /Applications/In the Control Panel’s main page, youcan specify a number of the US-122options.Buffer Size AdjustmentThe US-122 driver temporarily storesinput and output audio samples in buff-ers. Larger buffers provide more safetyagainst other system activities interrupt-ing the audio and producing clicks, popsor other audible artifacts. Smaller buffersprovide lower latency when using thecomputer to send input audio to outputchannels in order to monitor the input.The driver lets you select which buffersize works best for your computer andaudio application.NOTEThis adjustment does not affect the latencyof the US-122’s hardware input monitor,which is always less than 1.5 ms.To adjust the buffer size, run the US-122Control Panel. The Latency slider letsyou change the buffer size from a mini-mum of 256 samples (128 samples onthe Mac) to a maximum of 2048 sam-ples. All audio programs that use the US-122 must quit before a new audio latencysetting takes effect.This slider is marked Audio SafetyBuffer under OS X, and is calibrated inmilliseconds, rather than samples.Using Cubase VST at 44.1 kHz samplingrate, a 256 sample buffer size givesapproximately. 12 ms of monitoringlatency, while a 2048 sample buffer givesapproximately 43 ms latency.