3 - 36 Z-45/25 Bi-Energy • Z-45/25J Bi-Energy Part No. 237062September 2015Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresCHECKLIST D PROCEDURESD-5Calibrate the Platform OverloadSystem (if equipped)Note: Genie specifications require that thisprocedure be performed every 1000 hours orannually, whichever comes first.Yearly calibration of the platform overload systemis essential to safe machine operation. Continueduse of an improperly calibrated platform overloadsystem could result in the system failing to sensean overloaded platform. The stability of themachine is compromised and it could tip over.Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on afirm, level surface.1 Level the platform.2 Determine the maximum platform capacity.Refer to the machine serial plate.3 Using a suitable lifting device, place anappropriate test weight equal to that of themaximum platform capacity at the center of theplatform floor.Determine the limit switch trigger point:4 Gently move the platform up and down by hand,so it bounces approximately 1 to 2 inches /2.5 to 5 cm. Allow the platform to settle.Result: The overload indicator light and thealarm is on. Slowly tighten the load springadjustment nut by turning it clockwise just untilthe overload indicator light and alarm turns off.Note: The platform will need to be moved up anddown and allowed to settle in between adjustments.Note: There may be an approximate 2 second delaybefore the overload indicator light turns on and thealarm sounds.Result: The overload indicator light andalarm is off. Slowly loosen the load springadjustment nut by turning it counterclockwisejust until the overload indicator light and alarmturn on.Note: There may be an approximate 2 second delaybefore the overload indicator light turns on and thealarm sounds.Note: The platform will need to be moved up anddown and allowed to settle in between adjustments.