Service and Repair Manual June 2022Primary Boom Components36 Z ®-62/40 Part No. 1268555GT6 Remove the retaining fasteners from themaster cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Use a softmetal drift to remove the pin. Lower themaster cylinder against the primary liftcylinder.Component damage hazard.When lowering the mastercylinder down, be sure not todamage the master cylinderhoses or fittings.7 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boomextension cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap thefittings on the cylinder.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.8 Tag, disconnect and plug the hoses under thepivot end of the boom at the hose unions.9 Using an overhead supporting device, attacha strap to the rod-end of the primary boom liftcylinder.10 Remove the retaining fasteners from theprimary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin.Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin.Crushing hazard. The boom liftcylinder and primary boom willfall if not properly supported.11 Place a support block across the uppersecondary arm and lower the lift cylinder on it.12 Remove the lower cable and hose traylocated under the primary boom and set it ona supporting device.13 Remove the retaining fasteners from theprimary boom pivot pin.14 Remove the primary boom pivot pin with asoft metal drift, then carefully remove theprimary boom from the machine and place iton a structure capable of supporting it.Crushing hazard. The primaryboom could become unbalancedand fall when removed from themachine if not properly attachedto the suitable lifting device.How to Disa ssem ble t he Pri mary BoomHow to Disassemble the PrimaryBoomComplete disassembly of the boom is onlynecessary if the outer or inner boom tube must bereplaced. The extension cylinder can be removedwithout completely disassembling the boom. Referto Repair Procedure, How to Remove the PrimaryBoom Extension Cylinder.1 Remove the extension cylinder. Refer toRepair Procedure, How to Remove thePrimary Boom Extension Cylinder.2 Remove the primary boom. Refer to RepairProcedure, How to Remove the PrimaryBoom.3 At the pivot end of the primary boom, removethe two side wear pads from the extensiontube.4 At the platform end of the primary boom,remove the upper and lower wear pad plates.5 Support and slide the extension tube out ofthe boom tube.Crushing hazard. The primaryboom extension tube couldbecome unbalanced and fallwhen removed from the primaryboom tube if not properlysupported.Note: During removal, the lifting strap will need tobe adjusted for proper balancing.