Eighth Edition • First Printing Operator's ManualWork Area SafetyPart No. 1319005GT Z ® -30/20N • Z ® -30/20N RJ 17Do not use the machine as a crane.Do not push the machine or other objects with theboom.Do not contact adjacent structures with the boom.Do not tie the boom or platform to adjacentstructures.Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter.Operation on Slopes HazardsDo not drive the machine on a slope that exceedsthe maximum uphill, downhill or side slope ratingof the machine. Slope rating applies only tomachines in the stowed position.Maximum side slope rating, stowed positionPlatform downhill 35% (19°)Platform uphill 20% (11°)Side slope 25% (14°)Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditionswith one person in the platform and adequatetraction. Additional platform weight may reduceslope rating. See Driving on a Slope in theOperating Instructions section.Fall HazardsOccupants must wear asafety belt or harness inaccordance withgovernmental regulations.Attach the lanyard to theanchor provided in theplatform.Do not sit, stand, or climbon the platform guard rails.Maintain a firm footing onthe platform floor at alltimes.Do not climb down from theplatform when raised.Keep the platform floor clear of debris.Lower the platform entry mid-rail or close the entrygate before operating.Do not enter or exit the platform unless themachine is in the stowed position and the platformis at ground level.Hazards related with the specific productapplication of exiting at height have beenconsidered in the design of the machine, forfurther information contact Genie (see sectionContacting the Manufacturer).