Eighth Edition • First Printing Operator's ManualInspectionsPart No. 1319005GT Z ® -30/20N • Z ® -30/20N RJ 33Test Aircraft Protection Package(if equipped)Note: Two people may be required to perform thistest.67 Extend the primary boom approximately1 ft/30 cm.68 Move the yellow bumper at the bottom of theplatform 4 inches/10 cm in any direction.69 Activate each function control handle or toggleswitch.Result: No boom and steer functions shouldoperate.70 Move and hold the aircraftprotection override switch.71 Activate each function control handle or toggleswitch.Result: All boom and steer functions shouldoperate.Test the Contact Alarm (if equipped)72 Do not activate the foot switch and press onthe contact alarm cable to release the actuatorfrom the switch socket.Result: The contact alarm lights will not flashand the machine horn will not sound.73 Activate the foot switch by pressing the footswitch down.Result: The contact alarm lights will flash andthe machine horn will sound.74 Insert the actuator into the switch socket.Result: The lights and horn will turn off.75 Activate the foot switch by pressing the footswitch down and press on the contact alarmcable to release the actuator from the switchsocket.Result: The contact alarm lights will flash andthe machine horn will sound.