61UBI EasyCoder 301 Direct Protocol – Programmer's Guide Ed. 1Chapter 8 File HandlingChapter 8File HandlingThere are a number of commands for reading the printer's memoryand returning the information to the host. This requires a workingtwo-way serial communication (see SETSTDIO in chapter 6.1):? FRE (1)Returns the number of free bytes in the printer's RAM memory.FONTSReturns the names and size of all fonts files stored in the printer'smemory, followed by a list of the bitmapped fonts retained forcompatibilty with other EasyCoder printers (see chapter 4.3). It alsoreturns information on the total memory used.IMAGESReturns the names of all image files (in .PCX format) stored in theprinter's memory. It also returns information on the total memoryused.FILES ["|||"]Returns the names of all the files in the printer's RAM memory bydefault, if no storage device is specified, or optionally in the ROMmemory ("ROM:") or in an inserted DOS-formatted memory card("CARD1:|CARD2:").It will also return information on the sizeof each file and the total number of used bytes in the RAM memory.When images are loaded using IMAGE LOAD, they can either beloaded into the printer's volatile memory or as a file into the RAMmemory. Images loaded into the volatile memory are removed us-ing REMOVE IMAGE. Images loaded into RAM are removed usingKILL.REMOVE↔IMAGE ""The name of the image must correspond exactly to the name re-turned when using the IMAGES command and be enclosed by dou-ble quotation marks.1. Reading thePrinter Memory2. RemovingImages, Files andFonts