67UBI EasyCoder 301 Direct Protocol – Programmer's Guide Ed. 1Chapter 9 Advanced FeaturesThe three double-byte font parameters can be specified separatelyusing the following commands:FONTD | FD “”FONTDSIZE | FSD FONTDSLANT | FLD For each parameter, the value specified by these commands will beused in all text fields on the current label, until a new value is speci-fied. These parameters need only be specified if a NASCD file isspecified, as otherwise double-byte interpretation is disabled.Example:NASC 1 ↵NASCD "CARD1:BIG5.NCD" ↵FONT "Swiss 721 BT",20,0 ↵FONTD "CARD1:CHINESE.TTF",20,0 ↵PP 100,100 ↵PT "NASCD ON: ";CHR$(185);CHR$(235) ↵NASCD "" ↵PP 100,200 ↵PT "NASCD OFF: ";CHR$(185);CHR$(235) ↵PF ↵Double-byte fonts can also be used in the human readable parts ofbarcodes. The corresponding commands are:BARFONTD | BFD “”[,,] the file name of the double-byte font to be use the height of the font in points. Default 12. the italic angle of the font in degrees clock-wise Default: 0.Reset to default by: PRINTFEED|PFThe bar code font size and slant can be specified separately usingthe following commands:BARFONTDSIZE | BFSD BARFONTDSLANT | BLFD Double-byte interpretation of human readables is disabled unless aNASCD file is specified. Also, note that many double-byte map-pings use ASCII characters greater than 127, although these char-acters are not allowed as input data to many bar code types. PDF417 is one bar code type that does allow ASCII characters greaterthan 127 as input.2. UsingInternationalCharacter Sets,cont'd.Label produced by the programexample to the right.