92Making calls in the teamGroup callYour administrator can incorporate multiple telephones in a call pickup group. Ifyour telephone belongs to a pickup group, you can also accept calls intended forother members of the group.A group call is displayed on the phone. The administrator may have made thefollowing settings for signaling:The volume settings can be found from page 55.Telephone status Ring on group call =YesRing on group call = NoRinger on Silent ringing RingerSpeakerBeepSpeakerinconnectionHandset RingerSpeakerBeepHandsetHandsetOpen listeningBeepHandset and loud-speakerBeepHandset and loudspeakerHeadset RingerSpeakerBeepHeadsetHeadsetOpen listeningBeepHeadset and loud-speakerBeepHeadset and loudspeakerSpeakerphonemodeBeepSpeakerBeepSpeakerRinger off Silent ringing Nothing NothinginconnectionHandset Nothing BeepHandsetHandsetOpen listeningBeepHandset and loud-speakerBeepHandset and loudspeakerHeadset Nothing BeepHeadsetHeadsetOpen listeningBeepHeadset and loud-speakerBeepHeadset and loudspeakerSpeakerphonemodeBeepSpeakerBeepSpeakerñ Further administrator settings for group calls:• The group call can be picked up both by lifting the handset and via the"Pickup call" menu option.• The group call can be picked up via the "Pickup call" menu option but notby just lifting the handset.• A key is programmed for Anrufübernahme.• A message is output on the display with the Anrufübernahme key whena group call is waiting.