32 Applications available on your OpenStageTelephony interfaceAdditional information is displayed in the telephony interface, for example when your phone rings,when you dial a number or during a call.To access: Press the "t" key.Example:Icons for frequent call statesThe same information is available on multi-line telephones for the selected line in the lineoverview.Icon MeaningThe call is active.The call has been disconnected.You have placed the call on hold (e.g. consultation hold).Your call partner has placed the call on hold.You are conducting a call over a secure connection.You are conducting a call over a non-secure connection.Detailed descriptions of the various functions can be found in the sections "Basic functions"Æ Page 42 and "Enhanced phone functions" Æ Page 50.Icon indicating call statusCall durationCurrent call(s), possibly with information stored in thephonebookPop-up menu with situation-dependent optionsReturn to held callDirectoryCaller informationChanel, Coco220870no answer System messages