23Chapter 2 Using the HardwareWhen n settng mode, there are 3 optons – SETTING, IMPORT and EXPORT as shownn menu below.EXPORT Saves FormCaching’s configuration as “FORM.SET”.IMPORT Changes FormCaching configuration from the “FORM.SET” file.SETTING Configures FormCaching‘s operation flow.When SETTING is selected, the HT580 will first ask the user to specify data fields infour categories, including field prompt, data length, data type and device type. Afterdefining all of the data field options, use the ESC key to end the setup. Below s a tabledescrbng all of the FormCachng Settng optons.FormCaching SpecificationDATA FIELD DEFINITION: maximum field number= 8Category Range DescrptonFIELD PROMPT Max.16 characters set field promptingMIN/MAXFeld LENGTH1-48 Set mnmum and maxmumfield lengthFeld type 1.NUMERIC2.ALPHANUMNumeric data (0~9) oralphanumerc data(20H~FCH)DEVICE TYPE 1.KEY ONLY2.SCAN ONLY3.BOTHInput by keyboard only, barcode scannng only or both1. SETTING2. IMPORT3. EXPORT