335. Search for all Bluetooth devces wthn range and then lst them on the screen. All ofthe HT580’s wll be dsplayed as “UNITECH” n ths screen. Clck the Next button6. You will be prompted to enter a PIN code. The HT580’s default PIN (Pass key) is“0580.” After enterng the PIN, your computer wll sync wth the HT580 and wll be addedto your devces lst. Rght clck the con to connect t.7. You can also check the correct PORT number from “Detal”NOTE: HT580’s BT Device name is fixed on “UNITECH”, so you will see a lots of “UNITECH”on Bluetooth Manager f you want to connect several HT580’s to sngle PC. User may not beable to dentfy whch one s the correct HT580 to map to lst, so t s suggested to power onone HT580 at a tme when makng a connecton. Please note ts MAC address from DETAIL.Chapter 3 Communication