16 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC sustain 0020253094_05Installation site DimensionsR The dimension below eaves, balconies and car ports can be reduced to this value, as long as the flue terminal isextended to clear any overhang. External flue joints must be sealed with suitable silicon sealant. 25 mmS Above adjacent ground or balcony. 300 mmT 2) Distance to a surface facing a terminal, unless it will cause a nuisance. BS 5440: Part 1 recommends that careis taken when siting terminals in relation to surfaces facing a terminal.600 mmU Clearance alongside another terminal. 300 mmV Above roof level. 300 mmW Minimum to vertical structure on roof, roof vent. Min. 300 mmX Minimum to opening in adjacent building. Min.2000 mmY Minimum at an angle to a boundary which is not less than 300 mm to the terminal Min. 600 mmZ Minimum measured to the nearest corner of the OPEN window Min. 600 mmAa No more than this value above ridge. Max.300 mmBa Not less than this value below the opening window Min. 300 mm1) There should be no ventilation/opening in the eaves within 300 mm distance of the terminal.2) These dimensions comply with the building regulations, but they may need to be increased to avoid wallstaining and nuisance from pluming depending on site conditions.– Terminals must be positioned so to avoid combustion products entering the building.– Support the flue at approximately one metre intervals and at a change of direction, use suitable brackets andfixings.– Installations in car ports are not recommended.– The flue cannot be lower than 1 metre from the top of a lightwell due to the build up of combustion products.– Dimensions from a flue terminal to a fanned air inlet to be determined by the ventilation equipment. Horizontal terminal positioningBS 5440-1 recommends that fanned flue chimney terminals should be positioned as follows:a) at least 2 m from an opening in the building directly opposite, andb) so that the products of combustion are not directed to discharge directly across a boundary if the products are likely tocause a nuisance to a neighbour or discharge over a walkway or patio.For IE see current issue of IS 813.For boilers covered within this manual.Dimensions B and R:These clearances may be reduced to 25 mm without affecting the performance of the boiler. In order to ensure that the con-densate plume does not affect adjacent surfaces the terminal should be extended as shown below.Balcony/eavesGutterAdequately securedair/flue gas pipeThe flue pipe mustprotrude beyond any overhangYou can use a plume management kit to enable the termination point to be positioned and directed away from the buildingfabric.