4 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC sustain 0020253094_051 Safety1.1 Intended useThe product is intended as a heat generatorfor sealed heating installations and for do-mestic hot water generation.Improper use of any kind is prohibited.Intended use also includes the following:– use of the product only in mobile homesthat are made, transported once and per-manently situated in Great Britain and Ire-land. After the transportation of the mo-bile home to its destination the completeproduct must be checked for leak-tightnessagain– validity of the product only for Great Britainand Ireland and for the gas types in GreatBritain and Ireland as listed on the dataplate– Installing and operating the product onlyin conjunction with accessories for theair/flue pipe which are listed in the otherapplicable documents and comply with thetype of unit– Using the product while observing the ac-companying operating, installation andmaintenance instructions for the productalong with all other components of the in-stallation– Installing and setting up the product whileobserving the product and system ap-proval– Observing all inspection and maintenanceconditions listed in the instructions– Installing while observing the IP codeThe following is classed as improper use:– Using the product in vehicles, such as mo-bile homes or caravans. Units that are notclassed as vehicles are those that are in-stalled in a fixed and permanent location(known as "fixed installation").– Any direct use in industrial or commercialprocesses– Any use other than those described inthese instructions and any use that goesbeyond what is described here1.2 QualificationThe person carrying out the work describedhere must have completed professional train-ing. The competent person must demon-strably have all of the knowledge, skills andcapabilities that are required in order to carryout the work mentioned below.The following work must only be carried outby competent persons who are sufficientlyqualified to do so:– Set-up– Dismantling– Installation– Start-up– Inspection and maintenance– Repair– Decommissioning▶ Proceed in accordance with current tech-nology.▶ Use the correct tool.The above-mentioned work must always onlybe carried out by persons with sufficient qual-ifications.This product can be used by children overeight years old and also by persons with lim-ited physical, sensory or mental capabilitiesor insufficient experience and/or knowledge ifthey are supervised or have been providedwith instructions on how to safely use theproduct, and they understand the risks res-ulting from using the product. Children mustnot play with the product. Cleaning and usermaintenance work must not be carried out bychildren unless they are supervised.1.3 General safety informationThe following sections convey importantsafety information. It is essential to read andobserve this information in order to preventrisk of death, risk of injury, material damageor environmental damage.1.3.1 GasIf you smell gas:▶ Avoid rooms that smell of gas.▶ If possible, open doors and windows fullyand ensure adequate ventilation.▶ Do not use naked flames (e.g. lighters,matches).▶ Do not smoke.