0020253094_05 ecoTEC sustain Installation and maintenance instructions 45# Maintenance work Interval32 Checking leak-tightness Annually33 Completing inspection and maintenance work Annually 39B Check programmes – OverviewDisplay MeaningP.00 Purging the domestic hot water and heating circuit:The function is activated in the small domestic hot water circuit for three minutes and then in the heating circuitfor one minute.The pump runs and stops at regular intervals.If required, this function can be manually switched off.P.01 The burner operates with an adjustable heat input in heating or domestic hot water mode:The product operates after ignition with the heat input set between "0" (0% = Pmin) and "100" (100% = Pmax).The function is active for 15 minutes.P.02 The burner operates at ignition load in heating or domestic hot water mode:After ignition, the product works at ignition load.The function is active for 15 minutes.P.06 Filling the product:The prioritising diverter valve is moved to the mid-position. The burner and pump switch off (to fill or drain theproduct).Automatic air ventfunctionPurging the product:If the pressure is lower than 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) for longer than 15 seconds and then is above 0.07 MPa (0.7bar), the automatic purging function is activated.The function is activated in the small hot water circuit for four minutes and then in the heating circuit for sixminutes.This function cannot be manually switched off.C Overview of diagnostics codesNoteSince the code table is used for various products, some codes may not be visible for the product in question.Dia-gnosticscodeParameterValuesUnit Increment, select, explanation Factory set-ting Own settingMin. Max.d.00 Maximum heating outputis fixed or adjusts auto-matically– – kW The maximum heating outputvaries depending on the product.→ Section "Technical data"Automatic: Unit automaticallyadjusts the maximum output tothe current system demand→ Section"Technicaldata"Adjustabled.01 Pump overrun time inheating mode1 60 min 1 5 Adjustabled.02 Maximum burner anti-cycling time in heatingmode2 60 min 1 20 Adjustabled.04 Water temperature in thecylinderCurrent value ℃ Applies to: Product with heat-ing mode only, connected to do-mestic hot water cylinder withtemperature sensor– Notadjustabled.05 Determined target heat-ing flow temperature Current value ℃ – – Notadjustabled.06 Target domestic hot wa-ter temperatureCurrent value ℃ Applies to: Combi boiler – Notadjustabled.07 Target temperature forthe domestic hot watercylinderCurrent value ℃ Applies to: Product with heat-ing mode only, connected to do-mestic hot water cylinder withtemperature sensor– Notadjustable