Commissioning reportInstallation instructions geoTHERM 0020051574_04 1151515 Commissioning report> Fill out the following report form before you commissionthe heat pump.> Only operate the heat pump when all points have beensatisfied in essence.Heating circuit checklistDuring planning, was consideration given to parts of the buildingthat are to be heated at a later time?Was the power for the domestic hot water supply considered?Were the heating circuits in the system hydraulically balanced?Were leakage pressures determined by pipe network calculations?If planning calculations showed that pressure losses were to beexpected: Was a second pump incorporated to overcome the pres-sure losses?Was the nominal volumetric flow rate of the heat pump taken intoconsideration?Was a dirt filter incorporated in the return?Was the heating system provided with all the safety installationsdescribed in this manual?Were an overflow funnel and blow-out line incorporated?Was the heating circuit flushed, filled and bled?Was the heating circuit checked for leaks?Were the pipes thermally insulated (against diffusion)?Brine circuit checklist (VWS only)Was the correct brine fluid used for filling?Was the brine circuit checked for leak tightness?Was the brine circuit properly bled?Which frost protection agent was used and what setting for frostprotection was inputted in the controller?Was the frost protection (-15 °C ± 1 K) checked with a frost protec-tion tester?Was a pressure switch built into the brine circuit?Was the pressure switch connected to the heat pump?Was a dirt filter used at the brine side inlet of the heat pump forthe filling operation? After completion, was the dirt filterremoved?Were non-return valves built into the brine circuit?Were balancing valves built into the brine circuit?15.1 Commissioning report