12. Pull each cable taut. Push the cable retainershard up against the back panel. The end of thecable adjuster will pass into the hole. Tighten thescrews in the retainers so that they clamp thecables in position. Apply tension to the cables byturning the hexagonal adjusters by hand (Seefigure 21).13. Inspect the installation of the convection boxagainst the fireplace surround. If the convectionbox is aligned squarely and the sealing issatisfactory, fully tighten the cable retainers.14. If the convection box is not correctly aligned,release the tension on the cables by slackeningthe screws and turning the hexagonal adjustersfully anticlockwise. The convection box shouldthen automatically realign itself. Pull each cabletaut again and push the cable retainers backagainst the back panel. Again, tighten the screwsin the retainers and apply tension to the cables byturning the hexagonal adjusters clockwise as faras possible.15. Feed the free length of the cables through thesmall holes in the back of the convection box immediately below the cable adjustersso that they are available to allow easy removal and refitting of the appliance duringsubsequent service calls. Do not cut off the free lengths of cable (See figure 21).11.3 Sealing floor front - All installations.Using the floor sealing tapesupplied, seal the bottom of theconvection box to the fireplace andhearth floor (See figure 22).Make sure that the whole lengthof the front edge of theconvection box is fully sealed.Pa ge 2 8© Baxi Heating U.K. Limited 2007.INSTALLER GUIDEFigure 22. Floor SealingFigure 21. Lower cable retention