Note: 1. The pilot unit is an atmosphere sensing device. It must be replaced asa whole assembly. Its individual components are not separatelyreplaceable.18.8 To remove the gas valve.(See figure 35).1. Remove the burner assembly (Seesection 18.6).2. If turning the burner upside down,ensure that the work surface is suitablyprotected. This will avoid damage to thework surface.3. Remove the thermocouple byunscrewing the thermocouple nut at theinterrupter block. Remove the two leadsfrom the interrupter block making sure topull on the base of the tabs and not theleads. It is important that when replacingthe leads that the lead with the larger tag(From the receiver) is furthest away fromthe valve body.4. Detach the pilot pipe from the gas valve.5. Detach the inlet pipe.6. Detach the burner pipe.7. Detach the electrode lead from the baseof the electrode.8. Remove the wiring block from the frontof the valve. To do this press the retainertab on the base of the valve (See figure36) whilst gently pulling on the leads.9. Remove the two screws that hold theOn/Off switch bracket to the front of thegas valve bracket (See figure 38).10. Remove the two screws that retain thegas valve bracket from the front of the burnertray and lift the bracket and gas valveassembly clear.11. Remove the two screws securing the gasvalve to the mounting bracket.12. Remove the gas valve.13. Refit in the reverse order.INSTALLER GUIDEFigure 38. On/Off switch removalFigure 37. Wiring block removalFigure 36. Pilot / pilot bracket assemblyremoval© Baxi Heating U.K. Limited 2009. Page 38