144 LightingThe lighting switches off immediatelywhen the ignition key is turned toposition 1 3 155.Activation or deactivation of thisfunction can be changed in the menuSettings in the Info-Display. Vehiclepersonalisation 3 127.The settings can be saved for the keybeing used 3 22.The following lights will additionallyswitch on when the driver's door isopened:■ all switches■ Driver Information Centre■ door pocket lights■ console lights.Exit lightingThe following lights switch on if thekey is removed from the ignitionswitch:■ Interior lights■ Instrument panel light (only when itis dark)■ Door and console lights■ Puddle lightsThey will switch off automatically aftera delay and will be activated again ifthe driver's door is opened.Headlights, tail lights, reversing lightsand number plate lights illuminate thesurrounding area for an adjustabletime after leaving the vehicle.Switching on1. Switch off ignition.2. Remove ignition key.3. Open driver's door.4. Pull turn signal lever.5. Close driver's door.If the driver's door is not closed thelights switch off after two minutes.Exit lighting is switched offimmediately if the turn signal lever ispulled while the driver's door is open.Activation, deactivation and durationof this function can be changed in themenu Settings in the Info-Display.Vehicle personalisation 3 127.The settings can be saved for the keybeing used 3 22.Battery dischargeprotectionBattery state of charge functionThe function guarantees longestbattery life via a generator withcontrollable power output andoptimised power distribution.To prevent discharge of the batterywhen driving, following systems arereduced automatically in two stagesand finally switched off: