Vehicle care 219BrakesIn the event of minimum thickness ofthe brake lining, a squealing noisesounds during braking.Continued driving is possible buthave the brake lining replaced assoon as possible.Once new brake linings are installed,do not brake unnecessarily hard forthe first few journeys.Brake fluid9 WarningBrake fluid is poisonous andcorrosive. Avoid contact with eyes,skin, fabrics and painted surfaces.The brake fluid level must be betweenthe MIN and MAX marks.When topping up, ensure maximumcleanliness as contamination of thebrake fluid can lead to brake systemmalfunctions. Have the cause of theloss of brake fluid remedied by aworkshop.Only use high-performance brakefluid approved for the vehicle. Brakeand clutch fluid 3 273.BatteryThe vehicle battery is maintenance-free provided that the driving profileallows sufficient charging of thebattery. Short-distance-driving andfrequent engine starts can dischargethe battery. Avoid the use ofunnecessary electrical consumers.Batteries do not belong in householdwaste. They must be disposed of atan appropriate recycling collectionpoint.Laying up the vehicle for more than4 weeks can lead to batterydischarge. Disconnect the clamp fromthe negative terminal of the vehiclebattery.Ensure the ignition is switched offbefore connecting or disconnectingthe vehicle battery.