188 Driving and operatingParking assistThe parking assist makes parkingeasier by measuring the distancebetween the vehicle and obstacles,and giving acoustic signals. It is thedriver, however, who bears fullresponsibility for the parkingmanoeuvre.The system consists of four ultrasonicparking sensors in the rear bumper. Ifthe vehicle is equipped with a frontparking assist, the system consists offour additional ultrasonic parkingsensors in the front bumper.The system uses two differentfrequencies for the front and rearsensors, respectively, each with adifferent sound.Control indicator r 3 111.Button r or DParking assist will be activated anddeactivated by pressing the parkingassist button r. If the vehicle isadditionally equipped with advancedparking assist 3 190 parking assist isequipped with button D. In this caseboth systems will be operated bybutton D.For activating or deactivating parkingassist push button r or D oncebriefly. For activating or deactivatingadvanced parking assist push buttonr or D for approx. one second.If one system is active, it can beswitched between both systems bypushing the button shorter or longer.ActivationWhen reverse gear is engaged, thesystem is activated automatically.