Service and maintenance 273Make sure that the Service andWarranty Booklet is completedcorrectly as continuous proof ofservice is essential if any warranty orgoodwill claims are to be met, and isalso a benefit when selling thevehicle.Make sure that the Service andWarranty Booklet is completedcorrectly as continuous proof ofservice and to assist with warrantyclaims. It is also a benefit when sellingthe vehicle.Service interval with remainingengine oil life durationThe service interval is based onseveral parameters depending onusage.The service display lets you knowwhen to change the engine oil.Service display 3 105.Recommended fluids,lubricants and partsRecommended fluids andlubricantsOnly use products that meet therecommended specifications.Damage resulting from the use ofproducts not in line with thesespecifications will not be covered bythe warranty.9 WarningOperating materials arehazardous and could bepoisonous. Handle with care. Payattention to information given onthe containers.Engine oilEngine oil is identified by its qualityand its viscosity. Quality is moreimportant than viscosity whenselecting which engine oil to use. Theoil quality ensures e.g. enginecleanliness, wear protection and oilaging control, whereas viscositygrade gives information on the oil'sthickness over a temperature range.Dexos is the newest engine oil qualitythat provides optimum protection forgasoline and diesel engines. If it isunavailable, engine oils of other listedqualities have to be used.Recommendations for gasolineengines are also valid forCompressed Natural Gas (CNG),Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) andEthanol (E85) fuelled engines.Select the appropriate engine oilbased on its quality and on theminimum ambient temperature3 277.Topping up engine oilEngine oils of different manufacturersand brands can be mixed as long asthey comply with the required engineoil quality and viscosity.Use of engine oil with onlyACEA A1/B1 or only A5/B5 quality isprohibited, since it can cause long-term engine damage under certainoperating conditions.